All in self-help

Craniosacral Therapy with Michael Brightwood | Ep. 38

Michael Brightwood is a Craniosacral Therapy practitioner and shares the science, healing framework and practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. With extensive study and practice in psychology, healing arts and craniosacral therapy, Michael brings his decades of experience to this interesting discussion. Michael spans the conversation with discussion on topics such as central nervous systems, quantum physics, resolution, magnetic impulses and healing— to name a few.

Meditation: In Times of Uncertainty | Ep. 17

This guided meditation focuses on encountering the unknown. Waiting on the "what comes next" can be uncomfortable, painful, overwhelming or be experienced as even dangerous or unsafe.  Letting goof how something needs to turn out or a vision of how it has to be can offer space for something new. Uncertainty can involve fear, anxiety, hope, waiting for answers or hoping for a particular outcome. Thinking about the future picture again and again will not change things. It can actually get in the way of problem solving, using resources that can useful or connecting with the very people who can offer support, advice or moments in relationship.