Anxiety and Meditation for Calm | Ep. 33

Anxiety and Meditation for Calm | Ep. 33

Guided Meditation Music:  In a Moment by Lee Rosevere

Things that support calm:

Have a routine with flexibility:

Routines help create foundation and help us to feel more settled because they offer intentional predictability.  They anchor us. When we have the awareness that yes, of course things are going to change within those routines, we can better be prepared and available to make adjustments and adapt in those moments.

Attend to things that matter and need your attention. Priorities vs. Noise

Work email, checking social media again and again can get people stirred up. There is so much news right now. It is a good thing to be informed. No doubt about that. When we go down the news and social media rabbit hole, it can feel as though the world is coming to end. It can also feel like everyone else's lives are going great. Social media can often represent the "best of" peoples' lives. It's great to see how friends and family are doing but keep in mind that we all have struggles, monotony and no-so-great days. 

Take moments to connect with people:  

We are social animals and meant to mingle and be with other people. Our well-being is related to healthy inter-connectedness. It can mean making small talk with an acquantince or listening to someone you're closer to and sharing more of what is going on with you. Think of the last time you felt better after sharing with a person you trust. 


Deep breaths and diaphragmatic breathing engages the part of the nervous system connected to calm. More intentional breathing can go a long way. 


Guided. On your own. It can create calm in the moment and has longer lasting effects for bringing more mindfulness into our lives. Meditation promotes mindfulness. Mindfulness is the thinking about your thinking. When you're able to step back from your anxiety and notice it in a curios way, it has less power. Without internal dialogue, anxiety can just be one big mass of physical and emotional chaos. 

Get Support:

If anxiety seems to be getting to be too much, making an appointment to meet with a therapist or psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety. In meeting with a professional, you will be able to share and find some answers and solutions to your anxiety. 


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